I created an internal (but internet accessible) web application for Union Colours to control an important part of their sales process. This web application used Microsoft Lightswitch as the framework and VB.NET as the coding language, storing data in an MS SQL Server database. The web application project also involved analysing the data and business processes in an MS Access database and transferring them to the new system.
When the time came to revamp their public website, Union Colours wanted to show the live product information for the industrial pigments stored in the SQL Server database. The website design was created by a third party and I implemented that using the Umbraco .NET content management system, hosted on IIS and using MVC programming patterns. The site itself is reponsive (based on Bootstrap) and scales well all the way down to mobile phones.
The product information section allows the user to drill down through a series of pigment categories based on product type and colour until they have a list of matching products, displayed using their approximate RGB values. A detail screen for each product shows further information and allows the user to add the product to an enquiry basket which can then be sent to the sales team.
The code for this is written in C# with SQL for the database queries. The queries are by no means straightforward. The system allows for a ‘fallback’ product database hosted on the same server as the website, in the event that the live product database is inaccessible.
Skills used: C#; SQL; Umbraco; IIS; MVC; CSS; Photoshop